Individual Assessment Dashboard

This "Individual Assessment Dashboard" contains a variety of assessments for your ministry needs. Heart Scans for Men, Married Men, Married Couples, Free Style, and In My World are all interactive teaching assessments designed to listen to your people.  The dashboard also includes several personal growth self-assessments. These are ideal for use at a prayer breakfast, a small group meeting, or a retreat. Each is available for remote or online use.

Heart Scan for Men

  • The "Heart Scan for Men" dashboard is a sampling of the many issues that some men deal with daily.  It is designed to give men an opportunity to talk about those private and difficult subjects that they secretly fight.
  • Each participant uses a keypad device to anonymously answer questions during the session.
  • The goal of the session is to hear from the men, not to lecture the men.
  • In this example, the majority of the men chose a personal concern from Category 3
  • From Category 3, the majority chose "Domestic Violence and Me"
  • All of the available choices listed on the dashboard begin with a video clip to help segue into Heart Scan questions and deeper discussion
  • Ministry occurs in how the men answer the questions
  • Scripture references are appropriately applied