Scanning the Heart in Search of the Truth
One of our findings in the autopsy of a struggling church is that a struggling church leadership team in many cases would rather experience a slow death than to ask for help.
But the “Church at its’ Best” is always seeking ways to understand the rhythm and pulse of the church so that it remains healthy as it follows God’s plan for the church.
SWOT – A SWOT study of a church looks at its operating environment. Its advantages and disadvantages characterize the internal environment. Opportunities and threats define the external environment.
CCA-Scan – An effective “church and leadership summit” should include current data to work with. Adding CCA-Scan to your summit would include real-time assessment results, analysis, one-on-one interviewing, and training. The attached document is a sample of how inclusive and comprehensive our CCA-Scan can be when added to your “church and leadership summit”. It is modifiable to meet your specific ministry needs. As each church has its unique ministry needs, we can adjust both the length of time of the summit as well as the content within the assessment questions.
Issachar Workshop – If you need additional leadership training and assessments for your ministry team, then here’s an opportunity you don’t want to miss. This training is ideal for new and potential leaders. The growth and future of a church include developing and preparing leaders for the future.