The Nehemiah Project

Does the task of rebuilding the structure and vitality of your church ministry seem daunting at times? Have you ever experienced a spiritual or mental kinship with Nehemiah as you look at the health and condition of your church?

Consider The Nehemiah Project,

"For Strengthening and Rebuilding Ministries".

Who should consider the Nehemiah Project?

  • Pastors whose churches are not growing, churches with transitioning leadership, or ministries that have not experienced a church assessment in recent years.
  • Pastors in need of training and performance assessments for their leaders and ministries.
  • Overseers of church organizations seeking to improve the health of their churches.
  • Churches in rural areas that do not have church consulting resources readily available.
  • Overseers in need of training and performance assessments for their pastors.
  • Pastors of churches in rural locations that need help.