Are you in the process of planning a new agenda for a prayer breakfast, retreat or conference for your men? Perhaps you desire to challenge your men in their walk with the Lord, or maybe, you want to do something completely different from the traditional men’s retreat and prayer breakfast format. Most retreats are gatherings designed to hear the message of the speaker, although the speaker may be dynamic in content and presentation, it is rarely an opportunity to hear what’s on the hearts of the men, Too frequently at the closing of men’s gatherings the men depart still with a void in their life. Even though they experienced great fellowship and great preaching; there is still a void.
Men’s Ministry “FreeStyle” is a resource that is designed to help get to the real issue that challenge our men; it is designed to create an environment where the men of your retreat or prayer breakfast can speak freely and also anonymously about any issue. Unlike our female counterparts, men will not normally open up to sensitive issues without some form of creative prompting. FreeStyle offers a opportunity to choose those areas of their spiritual walk that they need to be ministered to while attending the men’s gathering and provide a way for men to open up to those private areas of our life that often times keep us in sin and out of the will of God. Ideally suited as a four hour prayer breakfast, a four hour component during a men’s retreat or may be developed as the principal component for a complete men’s weekend. This uniquely designed resource focuses solely on the needs of the men and not on the presenter or the presentation. Ministering begins with a covenant with God, a covenant with the brothers, confession, sharing challenges and victories, Godly wisdom and sharing the Word of God. Heart Scan...Digital Truth™ is the digital resource use to ask the anonymous questions and collect the data that helps determine the needs of the men.