Servant Leadership Training

Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives' tales. Spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness. (1 Tim. 4:7)

God's plan requires our willingness to be spiritually trained. Are your Deacons in shape both physically and spiritually? In our society, much emphasis is placed on physical fitness, but spiritual health (godliness) is even more important. Our physical health is susceptible to disease and injury, but faith can sustain us through these tragedies. To be spiritually "fit," we must develop our faith by using our God-given abilities in the service of our local church. Are your ministry leaders developing their spiritual muscles?

Phillips & Jethro offers a unique training resource for Deacon, Deaconesses, Elders, Clergy and other ministry leaders. “A Charge To Keep” focuses on equipping, refreshing and empowering servant leaders. This resource provides fellowship and teambuilding opportunities. It contains assessments that, focus on the individual leader, working as a team, trust and communications within the team.

Training options include:

  • Pastor / Deacon Relationships
  • Character of a Leader
  • Prepared to Serve
  • Biblical Foundation for Servant Leadership
  • Servant Leadership Principles
  • Personal Peacemaking
  • Leadership Peacemaking
  • Laws of Leadership (Biblical) with Heart Scan . . . Digital Truth™


A Charge To Keep” is ideally suited for:

Deacons & Deaconesses


Ministers & Pastors

Retreats or leadership summits

Half day training sessions


A Charge To Keep I Have

A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify, A never—dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky.

To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill: Oh, may it all my pow’rs engage To do my Master’s will!

There is a calling that has been placed on many of us to serve God through our various ministries. Some have been called to serve as Deacon or Deaconesses, some called as Elders and some as Pastors. The charge that we accepted requires that we are ready, willing and equipped to serve. Many times we fail or fall short of our assignments because we have stopped preparing ourselves or our church has not provided opportunities for servant leadership development.

Too often leadership teams flounder in their effectiveness to serve because they have no personal development structure, trust issues, poor internal communications, unresolved conflicts, etc,.

“A Charge To Keep” leadership training resource helps to identify weaknesses of the leadership team while using our Heart Scan . . . Digital Truth™ assessments. We use our leadership development game for fellowship and to strengthen teambuilding, additionally, we have several training resources available to equip the leaders.



John Maxwell's "21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" is always a usable and appropriate resource for developing church leaders. We offer training from the biblical perspective to provide a healthy foundation for church leadership development. In our teaching model, the leadership team is able to select the leadership laws that are key and pertinent to their current developmental needs. With the aid of our Heart Scan ... Digital Truth™ resource, team members identify areas of leadership that require immediate teaching and discussion.