Men’s Jeopardy Game

Men’s Ministry Jeopardy Game

  • Ideal for a men’s prayer breakfast
  • Suitable component for a men’s weekend retreat
  • Fosters competition and comradery
  • A fun way to confess and be free

Note:  If planning a weekend retreat, consider these three:

  1. Men’s Jeopardy Game
  2. Men’s Gridiron Classic
  3. Men’s FreeStyle

How it is played

  • Up to 100 persons may play at a time
  • Each participant uses a digital key pad to answer questions
  • As many as 5 categories with up to 5 questions per category
    • As few as 2 categories with as little as 2 question per category
  • Each question provides a ministering opportunity
  • Scores are tallied by individual and by team